The Starfish Model
Starfishing is F3 lingo for cutting a limb that grows into its own being. As more and more PAX join F3, and we add more and more Areas of Operations (AOs), it serves the PAX best – and drives maximum 2nd and 3rd F opportunities – to separate into manageable sized regions.
What was once just one F3 region has starfished into many different F3 regions!

Saint Louis
The OG for Missouri, the Saint Louis region has grown from 5 PAX to well into the four-figure range since 2017. Starting out with just one AO (“The Huck” in Clayton”), the Saint Louis area just keeps experiencing explosive growth, as seen by all the regions below that have been spun off in the past few years. With scores of AOs spanning St. Louis County, St. Louis City and the surrounding areas in both Missouri and Illinois, there are surely workout groups to serve you.

Spirit of St. Louis
The Outer Belt region of St. Louis County, F3 SoSL serves the PAX West of Interstate 270 up to the borders of JeffCo and St. Charles. From Fenton to Chesterfield to Pacific, if you are looking for a great workout in the Westward Expansion of St. Louis, this is your place.
City of St. Louis
In July 2022, we continued our expansion through our starfish model by establishing the City of St. Louis region, which includes all AOs inside St. Louis City limits as well as our Illinois AOs. Illinois
F3 SOIL is the (SO)uthern (IL)linois and St. Louis Metro East region of F3.

Saint Charles
Our northernmost region, Saint Charles, separated into a distinct region in June of 2021. Serving the PAX of St. Charles County, there are some amazingly beautiful, riverfront AOs for a perfect start to your day.

Saint Charles City
Expansion continues as the St. Charles area has grown to the point where a separate region was needed for the city limits. “The Chuck” holds beatdowns at some of the finest parking lots and parks in St. Charles City.

Jefferson County
Heading South, the Jefferson County region split into a separate region in October, 2021. This region has strong growth and an amazing leadership team to keep the PAX accelerating.
Washington, MO
Our Washington Missouri region also split into a distinct F3 region in June of 2021. Serving the PAX of Franklin County, the region continues to spread westbound!